Alphabio Control’s FLiPPER® - a new, entirely natural, highly effective, environment and bee-friendly insecticide for the UK wholesale market
Derived from the natural by-product of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, FLiPPER® is a revolutionary, competitively priced, clean and green insecticide and an encouraging new advance in the agrochemical and biopesticide market. FLiPPER® is proven to effectively control aphids, whitefly, thrips, mites, psylla, leaf hoppers and scale with negligible impact on honey bees, bumblebees, pollinators, other beneficial insects – or humans.
In addition, FLiPPER®:
• leaves no detectable residue
• can be used at any point in the growing season
• requires zero harvest intervals
• is entirely food safe
• is a fast-acting spray treatment giving lasting control of egg, larvae and adult insect life stages as part of an integrated pest management programme
• is currently awaiting official organic certification – but is certification body compliant
• has label approval for use on strawberries, tomatoes and cucumbers under protection and off label approval for peppers, chillies and aubergines. Further, more extensive and conventional label approvals are currently being processed
• is already widely and effectively used in the growing of organic fruit and vegetables in France, Italy, Greece and the Netherlands
More than 175 fully replicated field trials have been conducted in multiple climatic zones to test FLiPPER®’s efficacy. Tests covered different methods of application and were trialled on queens, drones and worker bees, with no noted mortalities. Because of its profile, it is exempt from EU residue testing requirements. To view a short film demonstrating FLiPPER®’s effectiveness, please follow this link:
FLiPPER® is currently exclusively available in the UK via the horticultural distributor Fargro Ltd.
About Alphabio Control:
Headquartered in Cambridge, Alphabio Control’s principal commercial office is in the Italian city of Reggio Emilia. Alphabio Control specialises in crop protection solutions developed from discoveries made at the convergence of natural chemistry and microbiology. Iain Fleming, one of four founding partners at AlphaBio Control, says: “The launch of FLiPPER® marks the culmination of several years of research.” Research director, Alfeo Vecchi, goes on to explain: “We have created a new process that allows us to extract the carboxylic acids present within a by-product and further distil it using only heat, without any chemicals, and produce FLiPPER®. We believe this presents an important development in the on-going challenge of finding solutions for safer agricultural products without further damaging the natural environment.”
For further information and images, or to arrange an interview with Iain Fleming, please contact Lucy Henson on 07990978609 or at
Further information can also be found at