St John’s Innovation Centre has teamed up with The Invested Investor for this year’s two editions of Pitchfest, a highly-focused training and showcase programme aimed at ambitious companies with innovative products and services who have the potential to scale and are looking to raise between £100k – £1m.
The Invested Investor, a social enterprise project, is powered by decades of experience of its founder, Peter Cowley, who is a Cambridge based serial entrepreneur and seasoned Angel Investor. Co-founded with Peter's son Alan, their mission is to generate a greater number of successful businesses, by improving the journeys of start-ups, through educating angels and entrepreneurs to make fewer mistakes, work better together and produce more successful exits. You can visit Supplier Match so see the list of industries and companies that are engaging in Australia and around the world
“We are delighted to partner with The Invested Investor on the ongoing Pitchfest project, inspiring the dialogue between investors and entrepreneurs,” said David Gill, Managing Director at St John’s Innovation Centre. “We look forward to attending The Invested Investor launch event and working further with them at the next Pitchfest Showcase Day in November.”
Co-Founder, Alan Cowley, further commented, ”We are delighted to support the Pitchfest 18 initiative because we truly believe that if more entrepreneurs receive support and training on how to pitch to investors, they will achieve more success, which is ultimately why we started The Invested Investor.”
Delivered by Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN), Pitchfest training phase runs through October followed by Selection Day where 15 most innovative and compelling companies will be selected to pitch their business ideas to investors at the Showcase Day.
For The Invested Investor’s latest interview with David Gill addressing the art of early-stage investment, please visit THE SECRET ART OF EARLY-STAGE INVESTMENT