Join Innovate UK EDGE, NIAB and Agri-TechE for a one-day event at NIAB in Histon, Cambridge: Breaking Down the Barriers to Agri-tech.
Farmers and growers who embrace agri-tech innovations can see significant benefits, which are then passed on to food producers, consumers, and the environment. These new technologies are changing the face of farming and agriculture, creating exciting opportunities for those willing to adapt. Unfortunately many hurdles and challenges still exist and there is still some way to go before some technologies are widely adopted in this sector. At this event we will explore these barriers through presentations, discussions and Q&As, seeking to find ways forward.
This will be a full-day event on Thursday December 1 with lunch, refreshments and networking opportunities.
The event will bring together a diverse selection of agri-tech solution providers, customers, funders, recruiters, and other stakeholders. It aims to surface some of the challenges faced by agri-tech SMEs in developing technology solutions for the agricultural sector and also the challenges faced by farmers/growers in adopting agri-tech solutions. We want to raise awareness and share thoughts around how we might overcome some of these barriers. We will also explore the funding options available to SMEs and farmers/growers for the development and implementation of solutions.
Representatives of both the supply side (agri-tech SMEs) and the demand side (farmers and growers) will join panel sessions to share their experiences, voice their needs and put forward their ideas.
Find out more and register here