Image transformation is not just about the way you look (in fact that’s really the last thing to consider), it’s about understanding that how you present yourself can influence your confidence and help to realise your goals.

This is something that I have spent many years analysing and is what lead me to offer support to women through a range of programmes to help them redesign their image and realise their goals.

Over the last few years we have experienced more social change than has been seen in decades, in particular with the change in working life due to the pandemic. So now is the time to really reflect and review how we see ourselves going forward.

To get you started on your transformation journey I am hosting a LUNCHTIME TASTER WORKSHOP which is a practical session looking at the questions to ask yourself when developing a persona more aligned with your new goals.

Not only that, we know that as a busy, professional, business leader, mum, wife, sister, friend (the list goes on….) that your time is precious. So we have included a healthy lunch so that slotting the time for YOU into your busy diary is a simple as possible.

Click the link to find out more and view the agenda.