The wait is almost over. We will be delighted to welcome you to THE SQUARE@ST JOHN’S INNOVATION PARK from mid-August 2018.


THE SQUARE houses our café with its newly extended meeting and eating space overlooking the Park gardens, a separate coffee/grab-and-go stop, improved conference facilities and a new range of buffets and food options which can be delivered directly to Park tenants or collected from us.

“This new extension is the culmination of several years of major investment. With its modern and friendly dining area, new catering services and enhanced conferencing provision, THE SQUARE will become the focal meeting point for the whole of St John’s Innovation Park,” said David Gill, Managing Director at St John’s Innovation Centre.

Jeanette Butterfield and her regular team of Iris, Sam, Nicki, Margaret and Cheryl have been planning this day for over a year – from the design of the new kitchen and servery, to the temporary pop-up café over Christmas, to the building of the extension over the spring/ summer. Now they can’t wait for it to be opened! Two new members of staff complement the ‘old team’: new Chef Sam Cootes, whose menus of flavoursome, fresh, seasonal ingredients at reasonable prices most of you will have enjoyed over recent months; and our latest recruit, Hospitality Coordinator Rebecca Harper, who arrives to make conferencing and catering professional and hassle-free for you.

The new coffee/grab-and-go stop opposite the current servery replaces the Atrium café, although the upstairs seating area will remain as a place to meet or relax. Cheryl re-joins the rest of the team downstairs, where she will continue serving you at the coffee stop

We would like to thank you all for your patience during the extended building phase and invite you to the official opening of THE SQUARE which will take place at our annual Tenant Family Barbecue on WEDNESDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER from 17.30 to 19.30.

More information to follow shortly - Miranda will be contacting you for numbers. We look forward to seeing you there!