Applications close on Tuesday, 5th March at noon
St John’s Innovation Centre is now accepting applications for the Pitchfest 2019 Spring cohort of ambitious companies with innovative products & services who have the potential to scale or who are already scaling and are looking to raise between £100k – £1m.
Delivered by Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) and held at St John’s Innovation Centre, Pitchfest 2019 is a highly focused training and showcase programme designed to help ambitious business founders develop the necessary skills to become pitch ready.
Pitchfest culminates with a Showcase Day where 15 selected companies pitch their business ideas to investors with ample networking available to allow a deeper conversation about their ventures.
Pitchfest 2019 dates are:
Friday, 15th March 2019 – Training Day 1
Wednesday, 27th March 2019 – Training Day 2
Thursday, 25th April 2019 – Selection Day
Thursday, 9th May 2019 – Showcase Day
*Please note: It is the programme requirement to attend both training days **Companies with previous pitching experience may bypass the training phase and go straight to the selection stage. Please get in touch for more information.
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 5th March 2019. To APPLY for a place on the programme, please contact Anna Nadolna on Please note: Places are limited on the programme and entries will be assessed for suitability.